Pubg 2.0 Released: Download link, Update link & Latest update
Pubg 2 Released: Download link, Update link & Latest update! Hello Friend, today the Authority of Pubg 2 Released. So, here in this Content we are also Provide you Pubg 2 Game Download Link and Latest Update News. We also Known that Pubg the most popular Mobile Game in the World. All of the Country Peoples are also Paying this Mobile Game. The Tencent Games and Krafton are working tirelessly to bring in new updates to PUBG Mobile, which will massively boost players’ battle royale experience.
The Some Customer have yet to receive the update button, which should arrive within the next two days, know about the download link. After updating to version 2.0, the game has gotten numerous enhancements that players can see. Here we are share with you about PUBG Mobile 2.0 Update Download Link, iOs And Android Size, Release Date And Time And Requirements.
New features, download link, file size, technical specifications, and more for PUBG Mobile 2.0. As previously stated, the update was released today, May 11, 2022. Players who are unable to locate an update option should expect to receive one by the mentioned schedule.
Pubg 2 Download Schedule
” By May 13, 9:30 a.m., Google Play Store
” By May 13th, 6:30 p.m., on the App Store
The following are the file sizes for the Pubg 2.0 update on iOS and Android:
” Android: 785 MB
” iOS: 1.93 GB
The update will go live on the application stores and the official website at different times worldwide on May 11. However, the initial release began earlier today, around 12.30 AM (UTC + 5:30). The update will finish rolling out at different times for different platforms:
Apple App Store around 6.30 AM on May 13 (UTC + 5:30)
APK file around 7.15 AM on May 13 (UTC + 5:30)
Google Play Store around 9.30 AM on May 13 (UTC + 5:30)
For iOS, the update size will be around 1.93 GB, while the same for Android OS will be almost 785 MB.
Pubg 2.0 Latest Update
All new official version of Livik.
Evangelion Discovery theme.
New all-terrain vehicle – UTV.
XT weapon purchasing feature.
New gameplay and features like RP missions in the in-match tab, emergency pickup, and magazine capacity indicator.
New Ban Pan system.
Basic improvements to controls and UI.
New Battle Royale arena.
Cheer Park improvements
What are the new rewards available in the C2S5 Month 11 Royale Pass for PUBG Mobile players?
- RP Rank 1: Electrotech Scar-L and Ultimate Trendsetter Set
- RP Rank 5: Ultimate Trendsetter Cover and Ultimate Trendsetter Mask
- RP Rank 10: Ultimate Trendsetter Helmet
- RP Rank 15: Rising Uppercut Emote (also available for players without RP), RP Avatar (M11), and Lunar Spear Ornament
- RP Rank 20: Foxy Twins Parachute (also available for players without RP) and Sinisflame Molotov Cocktail
- RP Rank 23: Armed Raider Cover (also available for players without RP)
- RP Rank 25: Armed Raider Set (also available for players without RP)
- RP Rank 30: Crimson Emblem Plane Finish and Blockade Ahead Emote
- RP Rank 35: Fruit Feast Uzi (also available for players without RP)
- RP Rank 40: Biotech M16A4
- RP Rank 50: Purity Defender Cover and Purity Defender Set or Elegant Finesse Cover and Elegant Finesse Set
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