Elon Musk reconfirms track mode for Model Y Performance

Track Mode is coming to the Tesla Model Y Performance, and it looks like it’s real for the time being. Elon Musk reiterated the Model Y track mode over the weekend. In 2020, Musk said Track Mode would come out for the Tesla Model Y, but it hasn’t come to the car yet. Tesla’s CEO admitted that track mode for the Model Y isn’t as easy as it sounds, responding to a Twitter follower. Track Mode is available on the Tesla Model 3 Performance and Model S Plaid.

Track Mode V2 appears to be the version available on the Model 3 Performance and Model S Plaid. Tesla Model 3 gets Track Mode V2 in 2020. Tesla introduced Track Mode on the Model S Played in January this year.

Tesla released the Track Model V2 to show drivers how they can customize their vehicles for the track with a few pre-set profiles. Below are some Track Mod V2 highlights. You Also Read: Tesla Phone 2023




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